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My first ebook on Amazon

There are two ways to write a book.

First read a lot of books and know how to write a book. How to describe emotion , thought in words. How to frame sentence.How to write like a professionals.

And second way is to write a story or a book in own style. Use your own emotion to write a story, frame sentence as you like .

I started writing this book in 2012. I typed first letter and my thoughts and emotion came into words. I don’t  know how to write a story and also don’t know the story. I typed one letter then second then third and it becomes a sentence. The first sentence then second and third and it becomes a paragraph.

     I don’t know the future and also don’t know which sentence comes next I just write . It looks like thoughts are coming from unknown place, and becoming words which I type. It becomes words , then sentences then paragraph and then becomes an story.

   We arrange sentence , write in sequence so it looks like an story.

If you know how to arrange the words ,which words should be used ,how to fill the emotion in words. You will become a professional writer.

   First sentence needs imagination, it helps to make second sentence and it goes on.
   You can find many types of writer . It is related to their subject and their interest.

  My story is all about prophecy and something which human can’t understand. It becomes mystery for them.

It looks like  imaginary but it is real    
 It looks like real but it is imaginary


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