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The spider in the image is most likely an Argiope keyserlingi, also known as the Silver argiope or St Andrew's Cross Spider. It's a large, colorful orb-weaver spider native to Australia.
Here's why I think it's this species:
 * Distinctive markings: The spider has a bright yellow and black abdomen with silver markings, which is characteristic of Argiope keyserlingi.
 * Web pattern: The spider's web has a zigzag pattern, known as a "stabilimentum," which is often seen in orb-weaver spiders.
 * Location: The spider was photographed in India, which is within the range of Argiope keyserlingi.
While it's possible that the spider could be a different species, based on the information available, Argiope keyserlingi is the most likely identification.


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